Unity3D - Project CHECK//POINT
This project as part of my IV semester final assignment where we're tasked to created an Edutainment game based on Covid-19. This semester was entirely virtual so we're having some hard time coordinating our efforts into completing this project. Technically speaking my first First-Person 3D video game. Previous works was baby-step compared to this. And Spoiler, it doesn't work that well (read my Final thoughts). Gameplay You played as RELA officer that help maintain a roadblock under the Movement Control Order. You will stop vehicles and check for symptoms of Covid-19. If they show no signs of infection, then they are cleared to pass. If not, you may ask them to leave whether kindly or forcefully. You also block vehicles from entering or exiting "Red Zone" where it's deemed high risk of infection. Player are given 3 chances for following the correct procedures before day ends. Clipboard: Ask NPC about last known Location Talking with Friendly NPC Level 1 Only...