Project CHECK//POINT - Game Design Document


-A Roadblock Simulation-











The game third-person based with dialogue choice interaction. Created for an Edutainment Video Games for the purpose of training New RELA officers and recruits about the works around of Roadblocks during the Covid-19 Movement Control Order (MCO). Due to MCO, the government has strict the citizen’s traveling to reduce the number of infectors. The driver (NPCs) who are passing the roadblock must have no Covid-19 symptoms and essential reason to travel to reduces the spread of the virus to a populated area. The player must stop any driver (NPCs) that are caught breaking this order or show possible symptoms. It’s a combination of Facts and Logical Thinking when it comes to decisions making.


















Group 2


Funding issues




Group 2


Graph Updates




Group 2


Story Update















1.        Character

2.      Story

2.1.              Theme

3.      Story progression

4.      Gameplay

4.1.              Goal

4.2.            User Skills

4.3.            Game Mechanics

4.4.            Items

4.5.            Progression & Challenge

4.6.            Winning/Losing

5.      Art style

6.      Music & sounds

7.       Technical description

8.      Marketing & funding

8.1.             Demographics

8.2.            Platform & Monetization

8.3.            Localization





The play will be playing as Adam, who is a new RELA recruit. He will learn the way of working as a GOOD RELA officer while on the job. He works to support his family after losing his job due to the pandemic. He will learn and understand the different people on the job whether good or bad.



Zaqwan is a Police Officer who also work on the Roadblock and more friendly/ easy-going person. He is tasked to be in charge of the RELA recruits on the spot. Whenever the player (Adam) faced unknowns, the player can ask the help of Zaqwan who has more experience on the job and knowledgeable on the subject. He will show and teach the correct way to perform tasks or response to NPC in a manner and nice way.


Brian represented the bad driver behavior the most. He will appear on both level and always have tricks to get pass such as Lying, Extortion and even Social Shaming. The player must overcome him without risking their job and publicity.



He is the superior of Adam; he will be judging your work and performance without getting complained from the public. He will be teaching the player (Adam) at the Tutorial scene and level.



The story take place where Covid-19 case when overboard that the government has the increased security and movement control to contain the spread of the virus. The 2nd Wave Outbreak cause more and more people put into hospital. Because shortage of police needed to successfully lockdown the entire district around the country, the government has optioned to declared Martial Law to deploy the Malaysian Army Corp and People’s Volunteer Corps (commonly known as RELA) to assist the police in keeping order. They will provide the training for newcomers and will be paid accordingly.


You played as Adam who was factory worker but became jobless after the outbreak started. After learning about RELA, he decided to take on the job and went for the training course. He is given 7 days of trial to prove himself or else he may lose the job. He was willingly to accept any jobs to keep his family up float. He has a wife with 2 children, a son and a daughter. They were living in an apartment that the state government has provided for them but the living condition was poor. Every day he needs to pay for rent, food and medication with the money he earned from work so his family can survive the pandemic and make them happy.


While on the job, Adam will work under the Ayer Keroh District Area under inspector Thaiveegan’s command and order. Also, there is Zaqwan, who has more experience than him and taking charge on-site with the rest of RELA recruits. He knowns better the in and out on the works and know the act in tough situations.




The main theme of the game is COVID-19. The current Malaysia is at a state of safe and lesser control restriction due to everyone cooperation in help awareness of the virus and how to reduce the chances of infection. People are able to listen and follow the steps like washing hands or wear mask. But what if people don’t follow these simple steps and cause the virus to worsen the country, more people are needed for the frontline like health care worker, volunteers and police as they are risking their life for the better of the country. Our game is to train the new recruit so they can effectively help out to stop those who are un-cooperated in stopping the virus.



The story will progress according to the player performance of that level. The first is the prologue, where the player is introduced to a country that has gone worse after the 2nd wave outbreak. TV new broadcast on television everyday with emergency updates on the situation and tighten security protocols. The player follows Adam’s POV as a RELA on training to help with pandemic under the command of police forces. Before the police station scene starts, the player’s screen will show a very short and brief story of the main character, Adam, and why he is volunteering as a RELA.

The player will arrive outside near the police station, there he meets up with Zaqwan where he congrats on joining for the effort. He informs the player to head to the briefing area to receive his briefings and get ready for the tutorial, Zaqwan will then ask the player to look around the police station.

When the player has finish collecting all the equipment, Zaqwan will tell the player to head on to the door, because the inspector is already waiting there. After that, when the player exits the police station and starts the tutorial, the inspector will guide the player step by step.

The story progression will start when the player start a level, which in that time the inspector will tell the player to start doing their job at the designated post(during the level).When the player is at his post, the inspector will tell the player to do their work nicely and good luck, as well as reminding them to call for help if needed.

When the player makes a mistake the first time, the inspector will inform the player and remind them to check properly before making hasty decisions via pop-up messages. If the player succeeds in surviving half of the level, the inspector and Zaqwan will congratulate the player that he did a great job and keep it up. The inspector will remind the player when the player made a mistake, and the more times the player makes mistakes, the more irritated the inspector will remind the player. When the level is finished, the inspector will call for the player to return to the police car and back to the police station to return all the equipment, and call it a day.

Before level 2 starts, the inspector will tell the player that this is just like yesterday, and give the player some prep talk before the player ultimately picks up the equipment and starts the level. Inspector also will give some warning that player might be facing some very irritated driver that will try to create problems for the player. The rest of the level progression is identical to level 1. After all the levels are passed and completed by the player, the inspector and Zaqwan will congratulate the player as the player has passed the test and been promoted.




Gameplay, the player is in Third-person view interaction on the roadblock setting. The player will have dialogue choice to interact will the drivers (NPC). 50% is navigation and 50% is Dialogue Choices. The game will have 2 level, Pilot and Ruckus. Pilot (Level 1) will have easier Driver AI for player to handle while Ruckus (Level 2) will have harder Driver AI for player to handle.


4.1 Goal

The Goal of the level is to process as many drivers without making 3 mistakes in the time limit of 10 mins. The player is given step-by-step instruction at the beginning and there will be another friendly NPC that will help you if the player faced some problem.

1. The player will learn the procedure of a Roadblock as a RELA.

        I.            Keeping the traffic flow safely and secure.

      II.            Understanding the layout and workflow of roadblock safety.

    III.            Able to Identify whether the driver is safe to travel or possibly infecting/infected based on the 5 criteria (see 4.3 Game Mechanic).

     IV.            Able to make decision whether the driver is safe for passage.

2. Teach the correct Response to the driver depending on their behavior or responses.

        I.            Talking to civilian in a manner and positive attitude way even if they are behaved negatively towards the player.

      II.            Able to handle or deal driver with bad and tougher behavior without causing problem in the correct like giving warning or telling them not to do it.

3. Correctly response to unexpected Situation/Accident throughout the roadblock (escapees/aggressive driving).

        I.            Player able to remain calm and precise during traffic incident or driver escaping.

      II.            Correctly Arresting driver who are suspected infector or have reasons to be arrested (for not following orders or harassing officer on duty)

Player also have to report or arrest (if given the permission) to suspect patients and virus carriers. They will be briefed at the police station before starting level. Player can chase the suspects if they try to run away, or else the police car will chase them.

The happy ending is that the player get rank promoted or bad ending the player get fired. This is shown by the performance bar below the chances icon (XXX). The player’s performance bar will increase when they correctly let the driver pass, responded nicely to the driver and catch suspect that try to escaped.


4.2 User Skills

They must listen when it comes to given orders and be lawful of their positions.

Basic Law Enforcement Understanding – Player must what and what they cannot do. We will provide example at the start of game like arrest is only possible for police officer and can only give warning or restricting. RELA are not allowed to carry firearms nor perform arrest on citizen even if they did something unlawful but can only give warning or report.

Strategy – Time management, Each Driver have their own time limit and it’s good not to wasted their time too much.

Quick-time event – When suspects is spotted and will try to escape from the vehicle. SO the player  

Logical and Critical Thinking - When it comes to dialogue choices which response are the best in that situation. The responses maybe good for the player but not so well for the public view.

Question & Arrest

4.3 Game Mechanic

At the Police Station, the player must be briefed such as the Red Zone where cases are higher, suspected Covid-19 Patient who escaped Quarantine, location that are not allowed to go. The player can use tools to perform certain task given to them. For example, they can use the IR Thermometer from the police station to scan the Driver’s temperature.

4.3.1 – Tutorial

Players will learn the basic of the gameplay at the tutorial scene which takes place at the police station briefing room. Showing the controls for the game (WASD keys for player movement, E keys for interaction with NPC or Tools, Mouse to aim and click). What to check for, why they need to check them, how to check the. The cutscenes will so the task that they must perform later on site and how to do them correctly. The Briefing will also show the Red-Zone location (location with High-Risk infection) and the suspect infector (People who escape quarantine) so player will report and they will be arrested.

The Police Station will be served as a Tutorial level as well for testing the player’s abilities to conduct roadblock operation. Both game mechanic works the same way. After the Briefing ended, they will move outside the police station (Level Design) where a roadblock has been setup for training purpose. There’s the inspector will order you to do the task correctly and whether you did well.

4.3.2 – LEVEL

There are only 2 Level, both level location is the same but the setting is different. The location is a real-life road at the Federal Route 143, Ayer Keroh Industrial Area. Level 1 will take place in the morning shift (8am~6pm) and the NPC driver are easier to handle. Meanwhile on the second level will take place the evening/midnight shift (6pm~12am) and the driver the player faced will be harder to handle.


4.3.3 – The 5 Criteria
The requirements may differ but the 5 basic criteria are Temperature, Traveling Reason, Passengers, Origin Location & Destination. Temperature is done using IR Thermometer & QR code is done with a Scanner. In Level 2, Driver may try to lie some of the criteria so the player needs know if they are lying and solved with logical thinking as outdoor activities are for essentials purpose only (Buying Food & Medicine and living stuff or Financial/business matter).

Temperature and QR code can sometimes come out as wrong due to temp can be easily affected by the environment and QR code error cause by data error. So, player must recheck the result for false positive if it was mistake.


4.3.4 - Dialogue System
Player will need to choose Dialogue lines out of 3 lines (from nicest to unpleasant sentences). Player must choose the nicest and manner way to ask them to stay positive attitude. For example, the 4 & 5 criteria are the Driver’s Origin and Destination Location so player need to ask them for details. If the driver didn’t the one of the criteria, Player must inform the driver the reason why they cannot cross the checkpoint and the driver must comply unless there’s error with the temperature or QR code. If so, they may need to recheck their temp or QR code whether it was a mistake or not.

In level 2, Driver may have reason (medical emergency or family matter) or simply lying so the player must choose carefully when dealing with them.






4.3.5 – Zaqwan
When player faced problem or something that they don’t understand, Player can ask the help of NPC Character Named Zaqwan. Select the “Help!” icon in the toolbar will call Zaqwan to where you as him things related with the Gameplay or rules. If the suspects don’t comply with the player and try to escape, the player can chase the suspect if they escape the player boundary. If the player catches them, they can bring back the suspects and increase performance bar.

Each level has 3 wanted suspected infector, they may or may not appeared on that day so player must pay close look to it. When facing possible suspected Infected Driver or driver that disobey orders, the player is not allowed to arrest them but he can ask the help of Police Officer because RELA doesn’t have the abilities nor the rights to perform arrest.


4.4 Item & Equipment

The player has items & equipment use to perform all of the criteria. When Tutorial Task 2 (Briefing) is completed, player may collect these items at the equipment room (see Tutorial Task 3). After the level ended, they will return to the station to return their equipment back. After that they may proceed home and prepared for level 2.

·         IR Thermometer – Use to measure the driver’s temperature

·         QR Scanner – Checking their travel permit whether they have a reason to travel outside

·         Clipboard – A Gateway to interact with the driver. The Dialogue use to ask them question like where are they heading or come from. It also records the driver details automatically.

·         RELA ID CARD (Not functional)

4.5 Progression & Challenge

The player has two important things to matter. The first is the 3 LifePoint which the player can only make 3 mistakes before auto-fail, the second is the player’s performance bar. The performance bar collects and measure the player’s response to the driver and the action they did. If they response and talk nicely to the driver and get compliment by them, the bar goes up. If the player choose dialogue that insult the driver or they take bride for driver (Brian), their bar will drop. If drop too long low, the final ending is bad even if they didn’t make a single mistake throughout the gameplay.

In Pilot (Level 1), Driver at Day time are more:

·         Agree with the player’s decisions if they don’t meet the criteria.

·         Meet all 5 criteria with the expectation of travel permit (error) or temperature differences (weather).

·         No Suspects while appear in this level.

 In Ruckus (Level 2), Driver at Night time are more:

·         Disagree with your action and statement if they don’t meet the criteria.

·         Have problem with their travel permit (doesn’t have one) and location (location not allowed at night or Red-Zone)

·         Suspects are likely to come out at night.


4.6 Winning/Losing

Level time limit is 10 minutes which means the day has ended. The player must return to the Station to return the Equipment and then go home for Next day.


If player didn’t make mistake more than 3 times and the performance bar is above the requirement of the level, the player will be rewarded with



Each level, player can only 3 chances per day. The mistake will come from if the player let the NPC that didn’t meet all 5 criteria or fail to response correctly to the Driver. For example, the Driver has degree over 37.5*C, by right it not allowed to passed but the player still let them passed anyway. If the make 3 mistake per level, they will need to restart the level and won’t advance to the next level. The player must learn their mistakes from the experience.


The game is 3D realistic world setting. Everything is modelled and create as real life as possible. While the both levels are the same location, both levels will have different environmental visual looks it to separate the difficulty NPCs. Level 1 will take place in the morning, the color is warmer and brighter, Level 2 will take place at evening till midnight which makes it more dark and Eerie feeling. So, there’s the level matches the NPC’s difficulty. Similar to the graphic of Arma 3, a realistic military simulation.

Disclaimer: Not actual game scene, Only Example in Arma 3.


Music should be something militaries music; you can have the sense of authority and power. But your ability to act is limited because of your position. The Music will only be played in Menu Scene and Game Over/Ending. Most of time it’s Environmental Sound such as the trees blowing, the street ambient noise, police radio chattering and etc.

The sound effects on Level 1 is much more uplifting and relax while Level 2 will have much darker and windy due to taking place in night time. It’s weathering effect like raining noise or sun shining.



The game will be using the Unity3D Game Engine. The reason for it is because Unity3D is much easier to use and very lightweight to run an older or weaker computer that doesn’t have the latest spec. This game doesn’t require internet connection as it only has Single-Player Gameplay. The game will be installed with digital copy from steam and epic stores only as the safest method, zero contact of distributing the game to the masses.


Minimum System Requirement

Recommended System Requirement


Windows 10 64

Windows 10 64


Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz

AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz

Intel Core i5-4460

AMD FX 4300 or better


NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT

AMD Radeon HD 5670

Intel HD Graphics 4000 512MB VRAM

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660

AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series with 2 GB VRAM





5GB Free Space

5GB Free Space


DirectX® compatible on-board

DirectX® compatible soundcard



Our game will be privately funded from company investments and savings. We may approach MTEC for additional budget funding to include other training services such as Law enforcement, Firefighting and public defense, etc. In return, we will provide software and training for it.

8.1 Demographic

Our target audience are for New RELA & Police Recruits. Our main buyer will be government officials and Security Companies who will be interested in training their new recruits and employees. However, normal civilian can buy the game for private uses and such.


8.2 Platform & Monetization

The game will be accessible through Steam and Epic Game Store. Steam has the biggest gaming market so it’s best place to spread the game availability. Pricing of the game will be RM20.00 to keep the game at affordable rate because we will sell the game for the public. Especially government officials who would bring in large quantity. We will do ads campaign like Gamescom, and Security Tech shows.


8.3 Localization

The game will be available on PC only supporting all major Operating System which included Windows, MacOS and Linux through the Steam. Steam is the biggest game platform and very accessible around the world (even in North Korea). The game is in English but will have language support for localization such as Malay, Chinese, Hindu, Bengali, etc. The reason is because not just Malaysian will be joining RELA but also legal immigrant with job permit. It good to help them understand the game with their preference language.



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