Unity3D - Rocket Simulation

Semester V: Simulation Scripting - Assignment 1

Rocket Simulation

This is some SpaceX level shit right here 

The Assignment has 4 Lab submission, each improved from the previous. We learn to use the basics of Array and Loops, how to use instantiate to spawn game object, and using collider to trigger certain task. This subject continue from the previous subject, Behavioral Modelling which we learn the basic of Unity3D scripting.

So the assignment updates weekly on what we need to add or script it. So I based my model after favorite space company, SpaceX's Falcon 9 Block 5 and prototype Starship SN8. Plus their design is simple but aesthetic so I quite enjoy working on it.

Lab Submission 1-4

Lab 1 - Spawn rockets at random position using instantiate.

Lab 2 - Spawn 25 rockets in 5x5 and then launch them at random velocity

Lab 3 - Spawn 3 rockets that will stop at the correct altitude using collider

Lab 4 - Spawn 25 rockets from Lab 2 and 3 rockets from Lab 3. The 25 will stop at the correct altitude using collider while the other 3 will increase speed when reach that altitude. 

Final thoughts

The assignment gave me some understanding about some of unity3D's features and capabilities to do stuff. Then again, I could be just dumb at scripting or terrible memory. This work quite seems minor compare to what others can do. In honesty to myself that I suck it but at least I can learn from it.


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